NRC Report on Math Readiness for College and Career in South Carolina
The purpose of this report is to identify, describe, and examine math readiness in South Carolina, highlighting how educators and state policies can prepare students for college and career. It answers the following questions: what does it mean to be math ready in SC; How is math readiness measured; and what is SC doing to prepare students to be math ready for college and career.
NRC Report on the State of College and Career Readiness in SC
The purpose of this report is to collect, synthesize, and organize available information on CCR in South Carolina set in a national context. The report begins by introducing the conversation on CCR by providing a definition and description of the issue in a broad, national context followed by an exploration of how South Carolina approaches CCR.
NRC Exploring College and Career Readiness
This report is divided into four sections: (a) introduction and overview of the CCR survey, (b) survey findings, (c) an integrated discussion of results from research efforts and implications, and (d) conclusion. The content and tables in this report provide helpful tools for institutions, school leaders, educators, and counselors committed to college and career readiness.
NRC Narratives in SC College and Career Readiness
The National Resource Center solicited case studies and conducted interviews to answer the question “How do educators, counselors, and school leaders describe their efforts in administering and delivering college and career readiness programs?” The resulting report is, in part, a collection of stories—from administrators, guidance counselors, teachers, parents, and community members who have much to teach us about preparing students for success beyond high school. Here you will read the stories of 11 institutions in South Carolina that detail the efforts, successes, and challenges of working to prepare students for success in post-secondary endeavors.