“Activating” the Minds of our Youth

The 2017 Activate Academy was held this year from June 19 through June 22, 2017.  42 rising 8th graders from Florence Districts One, Two, Three, and Four spent 4 days and 3 nights on the campus of Francis Marion University for an introduction to college life and some hands on sessions with college professors.  Other…

Project-Based Learning Expo A Big Success

A Project-Based Learning Expo, sponsored by the Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness, was held at the Francis Marion University Performing Arts Center on Thursday, April 27, 2017.  Educators around the state showcased the projects that they have been developing and implementing this school year, so that area teachers and administrators were able…

Last Call for Project-Based Learning Exhibitors!

LAST CALL FOR EXHIBITORS! We are looking for teachers or teams of teachers who have designed and/or implemented project-based learning projects in their classrooms.  All grade levels and all subject areas are welcome!  Teachers who agree to participate in the expo as exhibitors are asked to create a poster board about their project (we will…