Pee Dee Readiness Summit being held on 9/8/15

The Pee Dee Readiness Summit is being held on Tuesday, September 8, 2015, at Florence Darlington Technical College.  Pee Dee business and education leaders are invited to learn about the latest date on college and career readiness, and to discuss partnerships that might benefit South Carolina high school students.

College and Career Readiness Workshops offered

The Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness is offering a workshop series designed to train middle school, high school, and higher education faculty to deliver effective professional development sessions on issues related to college and career readiness.  Those who complete both workshops will serve as members of a statewide network of Readiness Leaders. …

Pictures from Activate Academy 2015

Campers worked with teachers from Florence One and Florence Four Rising 9th graders used current technology on a group video project Activate campers were treated to a tour of Francis Marion University (photo by James Pruitt) Students received instruction on many different subjects Honda of SC provided a tour of their manufacturing facility (photo by…

The Activate Academy

The Activate Academy is a four day, three night event for rising ninth graders.  The 2015 Activate Academy was held June 15 – 18, 2015.  Sponsored by Francis Marion University and The Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness, and designed by local middle school and high school teachers, the Activate Academy will help…