P-20 Summit offered at Francis Marion University

Francis Marion University will host the P-20 Summit offered by the Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness, on Friday, March 4, 2016.  Program directors for ninth-grade academies, GEAR-UP, university life, and other transition programs are invited to attend this day-long meeting to share best practices and discuss how to collaborate to improve the…

Advanced Readiness Institute: Project-Based Learning

The Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness is hosting the Advanced Readiness Institute: Project-Based Learning, on February 5 and 6, 2016.  It will be held at The Inn at USC in Columbia, SC. Secondary and higher education faculty are invited to learn more about how inquiry-based learning practices can help students be better…

Pee Dee Readiness Summit being held on 9/8/15

The Pee Dee Readiness Summit is being held on Tuesday, September 8, 2015, at Florence Darlington Technical College.  Pee Dee business and education leaders are invited to learn about the latest date on college and career readiness, and to discuss partnerships that might benefit South Carolina high school students.

College and Career Readiness Workshops offered

The Center of Excellence for College and Career Readiness is offering a workshop series designed to train middle school, high school, and higher education faculty to deliver effective professional development sessions on issues related to college and career readiness.  Those who complete both workshops will serve as members of a statewide network of Readiness Leaders. …